Saturday, December 15, 2007

Gone with the wind

Its 9.00 am , I turn on the TV just in time for the weather forecast. Wow! its 23 degrees and sunny all day.

Thank god! I don't have to use the dryer.I just loved to hang out my washing in the sun ,which I look forward to each day.

Back home, we take the sunshine for granted ,here it is a luxury. Now I understand why people love sun bathing when you don't get sun the whole year round.

Truly Malaysia is so blessed. I took my own sweet time hanging the clothes on the line at the same time enjoying the sun's warmth.

Three hours later I hear the howling sound of the wind through the garage door. I rushed out to bring the clothes in. You see I overlook to hear about the wind forecast for the day.

The southerlies was so violent and cold. The clothes were all flapping threatening to loosen from the clothes pegs.

As I struggle with my clothes I saw my favourite silk scarf blown away by the wind.I just stood helpless looking at it flying off.... so easily carried by the strong wind and floated away.

I watch with tears in my eyes. The hand painted Trengganu silk scarf was a momento given to me when I help launch the opening ceremony of Menara Maybank in the 80's.

Later , while folding the clothes my memories float back to those times. We work hard in the bank but we had fun. At least memories can't get blown away.

Yes, memories are so precious it will always stay with you. I remember my schooldays in the 60's and the 70's. friends of all races always gathered together in one big circle during recess time . We had our food , share our stories, understand and help each other. Those were real wonderful memories.Malaysians than, in general are not so rich as today but we were real happy.

In the 90's when I send my sons to school, I see many groups , the Malays one side, the Chinese one group and the Indians another. Rarely do you see a mixed group.

Who's fault.....the children, the teachers, the parents , the various medias??. I don't have the answer, But I personally taught my children that we are all humans and we are all Malaysians . We are one big family.

The scarf is gone my sweet memories remain!

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