Saturday, February 09, 2008

Would you turned down the chance to become a millionaire?

This time of year everybody dreams of a wealthier future... a healthier new year... a more fulfilling and richer life ahead...
But only a few of us actually follow through to make those dreams come true!
There is one person, Prof. Dr Ryuta Kawashima, a Japanese neuroscientist known to video game players for his appearance in the Brain Training series of video games for the Nintendo DS.

He is not only successful and famous in his work, he also earn millions in royalties. He is currently a resident Professor in Tohoku University's Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Japan.
Who in this world, you may ask….. in the right frame of mind would refuse a fortune from royalties worth millions from his own work .Well Rather than accept them for himself, , Prof. Dr Ryuta Kawashima used the royalties from the game (estimated in 2.4 billion yen) to build two laboratories on Tohoku's campus.

He would rather be working on project “to study brain development in children “than accepting and enjoying his fortune!
What an honorable,amazing , simple and talented man. No wonder god made him so talented and known to about millions of gamers worldwide.
He is simply out of this full respect.

"Man is not the sum of what he has but the totally of what he does not yet have, of what he might have." -- Jean-Paul Sartre

"Brain-training" game software for Nintendo's DS portable video game console.

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