Sunday, November 25, 2007

The end of John Howard......Rudd first labor leader since 1983

Kevin Michael Rudd
In my dream two nights ago, John Howard shouted at me to get out of the Royal Albert Hall London.On hind sight, after reading today's news, the dream interpreted that John Howard was voted out of power in favour of the labor leader.Australia has voted for the first time in more than a decade making Kevin Michael Rudd to become the first labor leader to seize power since Bob Hawke defeated Fraser in 1983.
My goodness the power of dreams and the underlining message. I remember dreaming about the collapse of Menara Maybank. I was then the Head of Consumer Banking, I shouted to all my staff to run out through the car park ,where we were safe as I watched the building shocked and fell .I woke up telling my staff the next day about the dream and told them if it did ever happen... run through the car park. We all had a good laugh and forgot about it.
About three months later, the Highland Towers collapsed, I had been visiting my sister who lives in one of the block!!!.
And many many more minor coincidences to think of it. Do dreams carry messages .... should we learn to interpret them... I don't know , do you?

What about Mahathir that gave me a smile at the door at Royal Albert Hall London .... any significance. I remember we were at the same flight home from London in 1976. He` was then the Education Minister. I remember one of his children getting my autograph during the flight.
Oh dear , I am beginning to remember old times. Is it the start of Alzheimer disease!....?.

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