Monday, December 31, 2007

"Good-bye 2007! Hello 2008".

2007 Oh! What a year it has been for my family.
I taught 2006 is really a bad year for me loosing my only brother and my grandma. My only brother's death is like a bullet train crushing into my heart.

Well '07 is a real nightmare, emotionally challenged, roller coaster year.
My heart is like it had been stabbed by a thousand daggers, still bleeding yet beating away! that's what '07 is like for me.
Over the months the daggers are out but the scars remained. You need to have a strong heart to help your child through cancer.


I use to make a list of new year resolutions year after year, from having more money to loosing weight and so on and so forth.
Reflecting back, year after year its the same resolution! It never materialised so ironically you make the same one very year.

I try to recall what resolutions have I really made for '07....honestly I can't remember. How many of you can?

This coming 2008 ,I have to be strong and courageous.
Without courage you're not living, you're hiding!.
Courage is what moves you forward; it's the muscle that makes your faith work. Faith by itself can be nothing more than a set of beliefs.
Courage is what activates those beliefs.


Who cares about problems they come and go, year in year out.Without them we are out of this world...having problems denotes we are alive, so welcome problem, have the courage to face them and solve them and move on.

Hello 2008 ! Its another year to put things right and livestrong.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Beautiful Glamorous Face of Pakistan - Benazir Bhutto

We always remember her famous gestures......beautifully adjusting her head scarf

I was shocked to hear of Benazir Bhutto death.She was killed in a bomb blast.Her life indeed was cut short. She is only 54 years old.
Being half Pakistani myself, I have always admired her tenacity and being the first woman to lead a Muslim nation in modern times.We often teased our youngest sister as Benazir Bhutto lookalike. She indeed have an uncanny resemblance.
I remembered clearly she was a feminist heroine.In the early years in her campaigns, she advocated new services for women and opposed sexual discrimination, during her tenure as president. Serving two terms as prime minister between 1988 and 1996.
She was respected in the West for her liberal outlook and determination to combat Islamic extremism. For me I respected her as a woman who gave ordinary person a voice !.
She is indeed a very brave woman.

Benazir Bhutto Assassinated - RIP

Pakistani Tradition ----Continuing the family dynasty
Bilawal Bhutto
Benazir Bhutto's son Bilawal , 19-year-old Oxford University Student with no political experience has been made the leader of the PPP. He has now reportedly decided to go ahead and contest the January 8th elections extending Pakistan's most enduring political dynasty .
My blessing for this young man.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Doxorubicin (pronounced docks-e-rou-bi-sin) last cycle on boxing day. It has been a long haul.

Monday, December 24, 2007

24th Wedding Anniversary on the 24th of December

I was married on the 24th December 1983. For the past 23 years its always a big celebration with friends and relatives either in Ipoh or in Kuala Lumpur.Today we celebrate 24 years of wedded bliss with our 3 sons at our christchurch home.

Second son made a nutritious and healthy breakfast .....Toasted Seed and Grain bread with olive oil and manuka honey.

Hubby cooked lunch..... Lobster noodles

As for dinner we are in for a surprised menu arranged and cooked by our 3 sons. Got to go dinner is being served. Bon Appetit !

After watching "Hells Kitchen" on television ,The boys creating hell in our kitchen. Note the recipe book!

The youngest baby , he's camera shy. He made a fabulous starter " Oven baked Portebello Mushrooms " really fabulous, simply unforgettable!.

AS THE SAYING GOES " To dream of mushrooms denotes fleeting happiness, to dream you are gathering them, fickleness in a lover"

The end result.....Boneless Steak with potato wedges. Real its cooked with love.

Dessert...Strawberries on stracciatella classics ice cream with fresh cream. ( just melt in the mouth)

" Cooking for someone is like should be entered into with abandon, or not at all"

Season's Greetings

All Relatives, Friends and Bloggers
Here's wishing you & family ,a "Blessed Christmas" and may the New Year bring good health, happiness, love and peace to you and family.
Merry Christmas


A Happy New Year
Another year for us to get things right!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Keeping a Journal

I came across an article on "How to Keep a Journal" audio series by Jim Rohn. I am so convinced that I have started keeping a proper journal today.I like to share and below is an excerpts from "How to Keep a Journal" audio series by Jim Rohn.

Keeping a Journal- One of the Three Treasure to Leave Behind If you're serious about becoming a wealthy, powerful, sophisticated, healthy, influential, cultured and unique individual, keep a journal. Don't trust your memory. When you listen to something valuable, write it down. When you come across something important, write it down.

I used to take notes on pieces of paper and torn-off corners and backs of old envelopes. I wrote ideas on restaurant placemats. On long sheets, narrow sheets and little sheets and pieces of paper thrown in a drawer. Then I found out that the best way to organize those ideas is to keep a journal. I've been keeping these journals since the age of twenty-five. The discipline makes up a valuable part of my learning, and the journals are a valuable part of my library.

I am a buyer of blank books. Kids find it interesting that I would buy a blank book. They say, "Twenty-six dollars for a blank book! Why would you pay that?" The reason I pay twenty-six dollars is to challenge myself to find something worth twenty-six dollars to put in there. All my journals are private, but if you ever got a hold of one of them, you wouldn't have to look very far to discover it is worth more than twenty-six dollars.

I must admit, if you got a glimpse of my journals, you'd have to say that I am a serious student. I'm not just committed to my craft; I'm committed to life, committed to learning new concepts and skills. I want to see what I can do with seed, soil, sunshine and rain to turn them into the building blocks of a productive life.

Keeping a journal is so important. I call it one of the three treasures to leave behind for the next generation. In fact, future generations will find these three treasures far more valuable than your furniture.

The first treasure is your pictures. Take a lot of pictures. Don't be lazy in capturing the event. How long does it take to capture the event? A fraction of a second. How long does it take to miss the event? A fraction of a second. So don't miss the pictures. When you're gone, they'll keep the memories alive.

The second treasure is your library. This is the library that taught you, that instructed you, that helped you defend your ideals. It helped you develop a philosophy. It helped you become wealthy, powerful, healthy, sophisticated, and unique. It may have helped you conquer some disease. It may have helped you conquer poverty. It may have caused you to walk away from the ghetto. Your library -- the books that instructed you, fed your mind and fed your soul -- is one of the greatest gifts you can leave behind.

The third treasure is your journals: the ideas that you picked up, the information that you meticulously gathered. But of the three, journal writing is one of the greatest indications that you're a serious student. Taking pictures, that is pretty easy. Buying a book at a book store, that's pretty easy. It is a little more challenging to be a student of your own life, your own future, your own destiny. Take the time to keep notes and to keep a journal. You'll be so glad you did. What a treasure to leave behind when you go. What a treasure to enjoy today! by Jim Rohn

"Follow your instincts. That's where true wisdom manifests itself." Oprah Winfrey

Live your dreams... I am learning to!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Gone with the wind

Its 9.00 am , I turn on the TV just in time for the weather forecast. Wow! its 23 degrees and sunny all day.

Thank god! I don't have to use the dryer.I just loved to hang out my washing in the sun ,which I look forward to each day.

Back home, we take the sunshine for granted ,here it is a luxury. Now I understand why people love sun bathing when you don't get sun the whole year round.

Truly Malaysia is so blessed. I took my own sweet time hanging the clothes on the line at the same time enjoying the sun's warmth.

Three hours later I hear the howling sound of the wind through the garage door. I rushed out to bring the clothes in. You see I overlook to hear about the wind forecast for the day.

The southerlies was so violent and cold. The clothes were all flapping threatening to loosen from the clothes pegs.

As I struggle with my clothes I saw my favourite silk scarf blown away by the wind.I just stood helpless looking at it flying off.... so easily carried by the strong wind and floated away.

I watch with tears in my eyes. The hand painted Trengganu silk scarf was a momento given to me when I help launch the opening ceremony of Menara Maybank in the 80's.

Later , while folding the clothes my memories float back to those times. We work hard in the bank but we had fun. At least memories can't get blown away.

Yes, memories are so precious it will always stay with you. I remember my schooldays in the 60's and the 70's. friends of all races always gathered together in one big circle during recess time . We had our food , share our stories, understand and help each other. Those were real wonderful memories.Malaysians than, in general are not so rich as today but we were real happy.

In the 90's when I send my sons to school, I see many groups , the Malays one side, the Chinese one group and the Indians another. Rarely do you see a mixed group.

Who's fault.....the children, the teachers, the parents , the various medias??. I don't have the answer, But I personally taught my children that we are all humans and we are all Malaysians . We are one big family.

The scarf is gone my sweet memories remain!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Hickman line

The first Hickman line insterted in May was taken out end July due to "Enterovacter Aerogelas" Bacteria. Doses of antbiotics were not able to save the line. A second line was insterted , currently a new bug "Gram negative bacilli"is found and treated with antibiotics Tazocin ,Merrin IV AND TARGOCID. Temperature has been stable for 24 years. Praying for the line to be saved for the remainder of the treatments.

A Hickman line is an intravenous catheter most often used for the administration of chemotherapy or other medications, as well as for the withdrawal of blood for analysis

Monday, December 03, 2007

31 Years ago I stood up against Apartheid

In 1976 representing Malaysia and her multi cultural citizens, I boycotted the Miss World event too voiced against apartheid. The presence of a black Miss Africa South and a white Miss South Africa, caused 9 countries to withdraw their contestants in protest against South Africa's apartheid system.

I remembered the contestants were in tears when told to withdraw but I DID NOT. Although I am from a small country and, my voice is small but I am standing on a big platform, our actions - headlined in major dailies in 60 countries.

Now looking back, I had my regrets. I regretted not seeing that moment of time as my calling to continue to help championed for Human Rights with other worthy organisations.Instead I become an ordinary middle class Malaysian having a career and a family.I admire Marina Mahathir,( ex Prime Minister's daughter) for championing for Aids and cancer and for voicing up for all Malaysians in her column Musings. As the sayings goes " The Pen is mightier than the Sword!" She knows her calling.

Many had asked me even until today what is Apartheid. Apartheid means apart..ness in Afrikaans language.
The enactment of apartheid laws in 1948, racial discrimination was institutionalized. Race laws touched every aspect of social life, including a prohibition of marriage between non-whites and whites, and the sanctioning of ``white-only'' jobs.

In 1950, the Population Registration Act required that all South Africans be racially classified into one of three categories: white, black (African), or colored (of mixed decent). The colored category included major subgroups of Indians and Asians.

The laws restricted the limited right of black Africans to own land, entrenching the white minority's control of over 80 percent of South African land. Other laws prohibited most social contacts between the races; enforced the segregation of public facilities and the separation of educational standards; created race-specific job categories; restricted the powers of nonwhite unions; and curbed nonwhite participation in government.

Today I am temporarily - oceans apart from my homeland, yet I begin to feel for those who came in thousands in supporting Bresih (for electoral reforms to ensure that the next general election is clean, free and fair and the election results are not marred by electoral abuses, fraud and other malpractices) and Hindraf (Hindu Rights Action Force, highlight the political, social and economic backwardness of the Indian community in Malaysia).

I don’t know whether Hindraf will be successful in getting any
Compensation from the British, what I did know is internationally they are being heard and all are aware that despite a modernize Malaysia we have extreme poverty at our backyard under BN (Barisan Nasional). I salute all the thousands who got drenched by “water canon charge” chemical laced water and tear gas.
(Scene at Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur)

Sometimes I wonder about the expensive taxi fare (RM100m) to send one person to space recently, that sum could have uplifted thousands of families!!!.

I am impacted by these events. For months I have put up a strong front fighting a battle in my household … Cancer. I am beginning to burnout, tired being a caregiver, while trying to get some motivation within family circles to keep going. Ironically seeing pictures of the thousands of Malaysians coming together gave me renewed strength. I know we will win the war soon! 4 more treatment and a surgery.
Then life will change for me…….. for sure I will know my calling this time round.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Concluding November, I like to share about the books I have read in the past few months..
The first book entitled "IF at First" chronicles the little known stories of personal struggle behind some of history 's most famous achievers. The underlining message behind thirty inspiring biographies is "The secret of success is learning to recognise the importance of failure"

The next is "Foods that Fight Cancer"(I took six months to finish this book, and read it over and over again) Now I am prepared to pass it on. It clearly explains how different foods work to protect the body against different cancers and show which foods will be effective.

I took so long because in the past months, I been trying out recipes combining those foods with Asian herbs and Asian style of cooking.
My son who is under going chemo is enjoying my cooking. Most days he ask for supper too.The dietitian is very happy with his progress because he has not lost any weight.

In fact he looks very good. I have used varies ingredients, lot of love and common sense in my cooking. Some mothers have been asking for my recipe.
I plan to write it down properly and blog it for all to share.
One regret ,I OVERLOOK taking pictures of the dishes. Never too late, I will start from today.
I will post it on my blog once its ready!

The 3rd book "LIVESTRONG" is a compilation of inspirational stories from cancer survivors- from diagnosis to treatment and beyond...... This book inspires me to keep reading it. I bring along to every hospital visits.

I can memorises and repeat all the cases.Whenever I get the chance I discuss the strength determination and the positivity of all survivors to my son.
I want to constantly reassure him of his own strength , his own motivation and his positive attitude.

He is fondly call the Lion Heart in VI for his organisational and leadership skills, Some Friends call him the brave heart.

His classmates at Riccarton High fondly called him "Wonder Boy". Last week he was given a new nickname ,the nurses fondly called him " The Amazing Kid".

Amazing because despite his condition he is currently sitting for his NCEA exams.(Equivalent to STPM).He missed school for 7 months, did his own studying when he feels good and prepared himself for the exams. Some papers are taken in hospital during chemo sessions, this few days his Maths and physics test is done at home because his neutrophils are too low to start the next chemo. He will have one more paper tomorrow .

Everyone here admires his strength and his intelligence.
To me he is my son and he is a genius!. I am so fortunate that I have a great boy. Yes he is truly amazing a born leader ... a class monitor from primary one to three, school prefect from primary four to six and Head boy as well. A Prefect in Victoria Institution .

As one teacher puts it" This Chap is going to accomplish great things in life, he already did."

Looking at kids back in Kuala Lumpur where parents spends thousands of ringgit on tuition money just to get straight A's. I just felt so lucky, but then again I can't blame the parents!?....

....Reminds me of what Opposition leader Lim Kit Siang says over the shocking collapse of the RM4.5 million Perak state park corporation's two-storey building in Belum.

Quote "Lim said the incident adds to the list of growing evidence that under Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the country is degenerating from 'First-World Infrastructure, Third-World Mentality' to 'Third-World Infrastructure, Fourth-rate Mentality'.

Well The building is tangible, the intangible is our Education System,( I personally felt the collapse!!) the effect can be felt decades later..... in the form of the quality of engineers, lawyers, doctors and politician our Information Minister or worst ?

Well! time will tell.....I wear yellow every Saturday(Bersih march for electoral clean up) for our children the future leaders. Its our responsibility to prepared them for our great country like our fathers and fore fathers did for us.

I am confident Malaysia will turn out well for our future generations.

A rare voice of reason "Bersih march for electoral clean up"

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The end of John Howard......Rudd first labor leader since 1983

Kevin Michael Rudd
In my dream two nights ago, John Howard shouted at me to get out of the Royal Albert Hall London.On hind sight, after reading today's news, the dream interpreted that John Howard was voted out of power in favour of the labor leader.Australia has voted for the first time in more than a decade making Kevin Michael Rudd to become the first labor leader to seize power since Bob Hawke defeated Fraser in 1983.
My goodness the power of dreams and the underlining message. I remember dreaming about the collapse of Menara Maybank. I was then the Head of Consumer Banking, I shouted to all my staff to run out through the car park ,where we were safe as I watched the building shocked and fell .I woke up telling my staff the next day about the dream and told them if it did ever happen... run through the car park. We all had a good laugh and forgot about it.
About three months later, the Highland Towers collapsed, I had been visiting my sister who lives in one of the block!!!.
And many many more minor coincidences to think of it. Do dreams carry messages .... should we learn to interpret them... I don't know , do you?

What about Mahathir that gave me a smile at the door at Royal Albert Hall London .... any significance. I remember we were at the same flight home from London in 1976. He` was then the Education Minister. I remember one of his children getting my autograph during the flight.
Oh dear , I am beginning to remember old times. Is it the start of Alzheimer disease!....?.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Royal Albert Hall London

A few hours ago I was chased out of Royal Albert Hall London by John Howard.I was there to deliver my campaign speech but instead I rattle on about " How to sell cars'. My audiences were the`well- heeled, rich and famous. While convincing the crowd about "Basic Selling Skills" to a packed audience, John Howard came right up to me and ask me to get out!. Out!I ran as fast as my legs could carry me amidst the thunderous laughter. I bumped into Dr Mahathir at the door, he just gave me a smile I scream and felt hot flashes and sweats. I woke up, its a dream.Thanks goodness its a dream, I turn and look at the clock its 3.00 am the exact time for the last three months, I get my hot flashes and night sweats. That's menopause!! says my friend - when I relate it to her a awhile ago.
I couldn't sleep the rest of the night thinking of my dream. Yes ! during the day I did watch the Prime news about John Howard's election campaign this weekend. I did read about the 10 worst performing cars in the US in the yahoo news.And I did read Marina's blog about her father's recovery from heart surgery. All these activities during the day cultivated into a weird dream. But the venue!!! why the Royal Albert Hall London.I was there 33 years ago but that was such a long time. Maybe its in my inner desire to visit Royal Albert Hall London again...... I don't know. All I know is I am a very very tired woman.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Alzheimer disease "Memory Test" .........enjoy your game and keep score

I find this game simple and fun. A good one for brain exercise. May help in the prevention of Alzheimer disease! Exercise as often as you like when you are bored.
Do you remember your birthday? Do you remember your cats name? Do you remember what you had for lunch 3 years ago this coming Tuesday? Well then you're qualified to play this game! It's just like you remember as a kid. Click the cards, match the cards... match all the cards and win!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Employers Looking For Employees With Positive Attitudes

I came across this ARTICLE about "A Positive Attitude Definitely Increases Productivity and Employability" by Connie Podesta and thought how true. The main message is:-
You may not realize it, but your performance has the power to make or break your organization. Your attitude can be your greatest asset or your greatest liability. Unaware of that, employees often say, "My job is hard work. And my organization doesn't even try to motivate me to do my best."

Today's organizations realize that it is not their responsibility to motivate employees because motivation cannot come from the outside. Motivation is "an inside job."
This means that employees should not have to be coddled or coerced into working hard and doing an excellent job. A valuable employee, the kind an organization would work hard to hire and retain, is self-motivated.

The bottom line is that today's employers are looking for employees who:-- Want to work;
-- Enjoy what they do;
-- Take pride in their organization, their products, and their services;
-- Care about their customers and their co-workers;
-- Are the kind of team player others like to be around;
-- Make work a better place by their good humor, dependability, integrity, and their ability to be a positive influence through their words and actions.

And finally, consider this: employers from all over the country believe that attitude is contagious. If that's so, is yours worth catching?

(Connie Podesta is an author, counselor, educator, humorist, playwright, consultant, songwriter, actress and trainer.)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Have a good laugh ......learning English

Sometimes Language is a problem !!!
This is a true story from the Japanese Embassy in US!!!

A few years ago, Prime Minister Mori was given some
basic English conversation training before he visits
Washington and meets President Bill Clinton.

The instructor told Mori "Prime Minister, when you shake hand
with President Clinton, please say "how are you?".
Then Mr. Clinton should say,"I am fine, and you?" Now you should say 'me too'.
Afterwards, we, translators, will do all the work for you." It
looks quite simple, but the truth is....

When Mori met Clinton, he mistakenly said "Who Are You?"
Mr. Clinton was a bit shocked but still managed to
react with humor: "Well, I am Hilary's husband, haha..." Then
Mori replied confidently "Me too, hahaha.."
Then there was a long silent moment in the meeting room.

(written by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers. Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers was born and raised in the USA and moved to Japan in 1984. He has worked as an independent writer, producer, and personality in the mass media for nearly 30 years.)

Beware of Garbage Trucks

This meaningful article was sent to me by my friend U Lian.Happy reading and be happier!

Beware of Garbage Trucks
By David J. Pollay

How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive colleague ruin your day? Unless you're a robot, you are bound to blow your top off. However, the mark of a sucessful person is how quickly he or she can get back his or her focus on what's important.

Sixteen years ago, I learned this lesson. I learn it in the back of a New York City taxi cab. Here's what happen ed .

I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches!

The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us.

My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really friendly. So, I said, "Why did you do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!"

And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now called, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck'.

Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of f r ustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. If they happen to dump it on you, don't take it personally.

You just smile, wave, wish them well, and moved on. You'll be happier if you did that rather than fight them.

So this was it: 'The Law of the Garbage Truck'.

I started thinking, how often do I let garbage trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people: at work, at home, on the street? It was that day I said, "I'm not going to do it anymore." I see garbage trucks everywhere and everyday. I see the load they're carrying. I see them coming to drop it off. And like my taxi driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.

Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting. Good parents know they have to welcome their kids home from school with hugs and kisses. Teachers and parents know that they have to be fully present and at their best for the people they care about.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. What about you? What would happen in your life, starting today, if you let more garbage trucks pass you by?

Here's my bet. You'll be happier.

So ... love the people who treat you right.
Forget about the ones who don't.
Believe that every thing happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, TAKE IT!
If it changes your life, LET IT!
Nobody said it would be easy ....
They just promised it would be WORTH IT

"Life is short. Enjoy the journey."

Friday, October 26, 2007

A Beautiful Pot of White Orchid- Phalaenopsis

This beautiful pot of white Phalaenopsis popularly known as the "Moth Flower" was given to me by Richards' Teachers - Mr Holstien, Mr Johnson, Dr Potter, Ms Wendy Palmer and Mrs Vicky Walker.A wonderful thought and what a coincidence, it's the same species given to me by my friend Pam Gan for my wedding . Thank-you ,I just love it!.

There is no question that the phalaenopsis is an extremely beautiful orchid as compared to other orchid varieties. The predominant colour is white.
Phalaenopsis are available in three grades 3A, 2A, A.Stem Length: The length of the stem varies according to the grade. The higher the grade the longer the stem. Stem length ranges from 30cm to +60cm.
Blooms per stem vary according to the grade of the stem. The higher the grade the more blooms per stem. On average the number of blooms per stem range from 5 to 9 blooms.
The flowers should have a life expectancy of more than 3 weeks.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Desperate Housewife



1. Open a new file in your PC .

2. Name it "Housework."

3. Send it to the RECYCLE BIN.

4. Empty the RecycleBin.

5. Your PC will ask you, "Are you sure you want To delete Housework permanently?"

6. Calmly answer, "Yes," and press mouse button firmly......

7. Feel better? Works for me!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A day in a life at Children Haemotology Oncology Centre, Christchurch Hospital , New Zealand .

Children Haemotology Oncology Centre, Christchurch Hospital , New Zealand . Many Friends wants to know what kind of sofa bed that I sleep on and is it comfortable. ( beggars can't be choosy!!) Well people, this is a tour of the hospital unit known as Children Haemotology Oncology Centre, Christchurch Hospital , New Zealand . This is the sofa bed. When its open up its not bad at all. Quite comfortable.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

A dear message from wonderful friend Haniza Ros.......I miss my kebaya

At Eon Motors Raya Open House 2006

Dear Cik Puteh,

It takes me a while to write to you as I really didnt know what to say. I did send you a bday greeting to your local maxis though.

Anyway, I figure God has prepared you long enough to face this trial from him and therefore all the strength you're displaying. I really wish to fly to you now, just to give you a hug and whisper to you that your LOVE will beat everything else comes your way.

Just to divert your attention a bit, attached a pix I always treasure and I hope you eat good despite your agony so that you're able to fit into this kebaya nicely again.

Love always,

Saturday, October 06, 2007

My Card From Richard Reads: Mom We Beat Cancer! Yes! Indeed We Did

Its 4.04 am , 1st Oct 07(NZ time) I can’t sleep. It’s my 52nd birthday. I woke up in a familiar room yet it’s not my bedroom nor is it my home. I switch on my hand phone and there were several greetings from my friends. So where am I? Many of my dear friends had weeks ago emailed me requesting for latest update.
Since I can’t sleep I am sending all of you (including my schoolmates) this mail.
Well I have been sleeping on a sofa bed and next to me is my 17th year old handsome son Richard. I am sleeping in a single room at the Children Haemotology Oncology Centre, Christchurch Hospital , New Zealand . My son receiving his chemotherapy treatment and I am beside him 24/7 giving him my motherly support. This has been our home since May. We spend more time here than in our house.
Looking at Richard, I told myself this is a beautiful day. Although there will not be any flowers, cakes, party or candlelight dinner. Being with my baby is the greatest gift of all. I am happy because my prayers have been answered.
At 52 years old I found out “Prayers do get answered”. I told myself, in my career as a Trainer, I have changed thousands of life for the better. The skills that I have imparted and shared to make them ‘shine’ in their careers. The motivational and development sessions I gave to encourage and instilled positive attitudes in those who have attended my training sessions. I know I have touched many lives; I just need someone to touch my son’s life.
Prayers do get answered! My son Richard is only 17years old diagnosed with Osteosarcoma left distal femur with T5 metastasis. I prayed for a successful treatment. God send angels into his life in the form of Dr Michael Sullivan and Rob Corbett Paediatric Oncologists and Dr Gordon Beadel Orthopedic Surgeon. Richard was also invited to sign up to in a study group “A randomized Trail of the European and American Osteosarcoma study group to optimize treatment strategies for resectable osteasarcoma based on histological response to pre-operative chemotherapy (known as ERAMOS 1) for 16+years of age. (Not available in Malaysia or Singapore ).
Today 5 months into treatment and after successful Total Knee Replacement Surgery (TKR) on the 16 August performed by the talented and brilliant Dr Gordon Beadel, Richard left leg is back to normal. The surgery took 10 hours but I know he is in good hands. Later I found out from the nurses that he was so meticulous in removing the entire tumor and brilliantly reconstructed the TKR.
Today when he wakes up in the morning, Richard will signed part 2 of the ERAMOS 1 Trial. Part 2 is for patients with good tumor response to induction therapy. It’s another prayer answered. I pray for a good response and for the entire tumor to be killed. Well goods news the histological results showed a good response to MAP therapy with more than 95 % of tumor cells killed. He is now eligible to be randomized to get more of MAP Chemo or MAP Chemo plus Pegylated interferon alfa2b. This is to help make sure the tumor cells do not return later. Thanks and credit given to the oncologists, he is really brilliant. Chemistry does works. I should have paid more attention to chemistry in school!
So what more can I ask for? All the right people came to treat my son. It is indeed my best birthday present.
At 52 years old I am blessed with 3 great sons and a wonderful husband. I own an extensive extended family, they are my property. My beautiful sisters, Sis –in-law , bro –in – law, uncle , aunt, cousins ,nieces and nephew. They gave me the greatest support when I needed it most.
My friends esp. the ones I met in the 70’s in the bank, they are really true friends (you know who you are ha! ha!) simply awesome.
Richard isalso very fortunate to be enrol in the best school - Ricacrton High School in Christchurch. His Dean and his teachers gave him so much support , and his new made friends were simply great.They all find time to visit him . Getting support from his school esp his Dean and Teachers means so much for Richard . They have contributed tremendously to the healing process because Richard just love schooling. I know he felt wanted and is eager to get well to get back to school.
I turn and glance at Richard; he is really “Richard the Lion Heart”. A brave young man who at 17years fought his cancer and won. He is a real champion ever so confident and positive. A very intelligent, bright human being with a charming personality. What a gift and joy to have him as my son.
What more do I need I am contented and happy. To add to my happiness during this tiring time, I discovered the maturity, sensibility, strength and compassion of my two elder sons. Together they supported Richard through his difficult times. The brotherhood they shared is envy to many parents. They are not just bright students taking double degrees in reputable unis but two young man with fine qualities of a gentleman. They are unspoilt, ambitious and focus in their goals in life.
Yes! What more can I ask for. I possess 3 precious gems. That’s my gift given to me for life.
Well, my husband what can I say. No words can describe him. I know I am the love of his life. I can’t ask for more……I am contented.

Well, email is good therapy; Writing this mail made me cry and cry.Not of sadness but happiness that my son is saved. I don’t have to count sheep. I am going back to my sofa bed.Good nite

Saturday, September 29, 2007


"What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do." -- Aristotle

"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." -- Carol Burnett

"Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." -- William Jennings Bryan

"We must either find a way or make one." -- Hannibal

52 years old......what do I wish for?

On Monday 01-10-07 I will be 52 years old. Every birthday I used to wish for good health and world peace. This year , what can wish for.......? I pray everyday to god.
  • Please GOD heal my youngest son Richard Yap Jun-Woh of cancer. Guide him in his life journey and the great plans you have for him. Protect him from all harm. You have created a brilliant son . He is an extraordinary person. He wants to be an oncologist . He needs your blessing and guidance.
  • For my eldest son William and my second son Alexander- my wish and message for them is to "follow your heart and live your dreams". May God protect you both always.
  • My wish for my husband is- always be happy.
  • My wish for my mom and two beautiful sisters -"May they enjoy good health,wealth and happiness .
  • For my departed brother- " May his soul rest in peace"
  • For me .... I wished for "all my wishes to come true"

Remember the words of Napoleon Hill - "Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." Believe it, it is true!

Happy Birthday to me !

Saturday, September 01, 2007

The "C" Word

The 'C' word scares people, but it can be overcome. With good medicine and strong hearts, it can be overcome."

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Cancer is just a word. That’s what I told my son Richard. Being a cancer survivor is just life. Richard’s life is not any different than anybody else, is just his particular journey, his particular experience. He just experiences a successful knee replacement surgery. He is recovering brilliantly. He will be out of his crutches in four weeks time.
I told him “Life is a journey; It’s not a guided tour." His experience has made him think seriously about being an Orthopedic Surgeon!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Class of 72

More Photos...........Main Convent Ipoh girls never seems to age !!!.