Monday, December 03, 2007

31 Years ago I stood up against Apartheid

In 1976 representing Malaysia and her multi cultural citizens, I boycotted the Miss World event too voiced against apartheid. The presence of a black Miss Africa South and a white Miss South Africa, caused 9 countries to withdraw their contestants in protest against South Africa's apartheid system.

I remembered the contestants were in tears when told to withdraw but I DID NOT. Although I am from a small country and, my voice is small but I am standing on a big platform, our actions - headlined in major dailies in 60 countries.

Now looking back, I had my regrets. I regretted not seeing that moment of time as my calling to continue to help championed for Human Rights with other worthy organisations.Instead I become an ordinary middle class Malaysian having a career and a family.I admire Marina Mahathir,( ex Prime Minister's daughter) for championing for Aids and cancer and for voicing up for all Malaysians in her column Musings. As the sayings goes " The Pen is mightier than the Sword!" She knows her calling.

Many had asked me even until today what is Apartheid. Apartheid means apart..ness in Afrikaans language.
The enactment of apartheid laws in 1948, racial discrimination was institutionalized. Race laws touched every aspect of social life, including a prohibition of marriage between non-whites and whites, and the sanctioning of ``white-only'' jobs.

In 1950, the Population Registration Act required that all South Africans be racially classified into one of three categories: white, black (African), or colored (of mixed decent). The colored category included major subgroups of Indians and Asians.

The laws restricted the limited right of black Africans to own land, entrenching the white minority's control of over 80 percent of South African land. Other laws prohibited most social contacts between the races; enforced the segregation of public facilities and the separation of educational standards; created race-specific job categories; restricted the powers of nonwhite unions; and curbed nonwhite participation in government.

Today I am temporarily - oceans apart from my homeland, yet I begin to feel for those who came in thousands in supporting Bresih (for electoral reforms to ensure that the next general election is clean, free and fair and the election results are not marred by electoral abuses, fraud and other malpractices) and Hindraf (Hindu Rights Action Force, highlight the political, social and economic backwardness of the Indian community in Malaysia).

I don’t know whether Hindraf will be successful in getting any
Compensation from the British, what I did know is internationally they are being heard and all are aware that despite a modernize Malaysia we have extreme poverty at our backyard under BN (Barisan Nasional). I salute all the thousands who got drenched by “water canon charge” chemical laced water and tear gas.
(Scene at Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur)

Sometimes I wonder about the expensive taxi fare (RM100m) to send one person to space recently, that sum could have uplifted thousands of families!!!.

I am impacted by these events. For months I have put up a strong front fighting a battle in my household … Cancer. I am beginning to burnout, tired being a caregiver, while trying to get some motivation within family circles to keep going. Ironically seeing pictures of the thousands of Malaysians coming together gave me renewed strength. I know we will win the war soon! 4 more treatment and a surgery.
Then life will change for me…….. for sure I will know my calling this time round.


Firdaus said...

Hi...akhirnya saya jumpa anda di sini..nice blog,u have an extra talent n setelah sekian lama saya menjejaki anda for my assigment...Miss Malaysia 1976...mungkin anda tidak keberatan untuk berkongsi cerita bagaimana anda mula menyertai Miss Malaysia dan penglibatan sepanjang tempoh tersebut

mr hungry said...


I read this with interest - your actions were very important at that time

You should read this blog - which has a section about miss world

non-racial sport said...

I was responsible for organising the boycott in 1976.
Congrats for your stand;
you will find the story on my website:
Chris de Broglio