Friday, August 15, 2008

English tea or Japanese Green tea

Yesterday I hosted our second Rosedale book club meeting. Two of our dear members were unable to attending, Sally lost her voice and Gaynor is on holiday with her family. There were six of us and we had a terrific time .

We took turns to share our views and opinions of each of the books and the writing style of the writer. It’s a very enriching and educational evening.

Sheila our Chairperson presented each of us a group photo taken during our inaugural meeting held on Thursday 10th August 2008. She then introduced the new books that I had bought for the second meeting.

We also got to know each other better through this beautiful fellowship. Three of our dear members migrated from England to New Zealand so it was indeed a very well mixed of experiences and culture.
As I am the only Asian, I decided to present the evening with a fusion of the east and west evening tea.., I laid out an English setting with my “rose theme” tea sets. We then seep English and green tea, with eastern fried dumplings and western blackberry crumble.

What a delightful evening, we then selects our next books to read ……until we meet next month which will be hosted by Joan who leaves on prestigious Cashmere hills
Each member was ask to choose a book mark (handmade by me)a gift of friendship and visiting my home for the first time. My grandma will be very happy and proud that I am keeping up with family traditions.

Interested in bookmarks click here please.

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